Enter the 

Woorilla Poetry Prize Competition

Key Dates

Entry Fees 

Open Section

$20 per poem entry 

Youth Section

4 poems for free (12-18 years) – additional entries $5 per poem

Youth Sub - Category CALD 

4 poems for free (12-18 years) – additional entries $5 per poem 

(For culturally and linguistically diverse youth entrants who have spoken English for 5 years or less)

Key Dates

Opens 1st June 2024

Closes 30th September 2024

Awards Ceremony

17th November 2024 – 2:00pm

The Awards Ceremony will be a hybrid event available online and in person in the beautiful Dandenong Ranges on the 17th November 2024 at 2:00pm.

Competition Opens  |  1st June 2025

Competition Closes | 30th September 2025


Awards Ceremony - Hybrid Event: 

November 2025

 Competition & Award Dates

Terms and Conditions of Entry  

Woorilla Poetry Prize 2024 - Entry Terms and Conditions

The Hills Arts Alliance is proud to work in collaboration with Woorilla Poetry Prize. Entries open at 12:00am 1st June, 2024 and close at 11:59pm on 30th September 2024. Late entries will not be accepted.

The competition is open to anyone, including overseas applicants.

Categories and relevant fees per poem are:

‘Judith Rodriguez’ Open Section - $20 each

‘Louise Rockne’ Youth Section (ages 12-18) - FREE entry first 4 poems, $5 per additional poem

Participants in the 12 - 18 year old age group are eligible to compete in the Woorilla Youth Section at no cost for 4 separate entries. Additional entries are charged at $5 per poem

If desired, Youth entrants are also eligible to submit pieces for the Woorilla Open Section at Open Section entry rates

Youth entrants who have spoken English for 5 years or less, are also eligible to enter the CALD sub-category for no additional fee – Youth Section conditions apply

Prizes are:

Judith Rodriguez Open Section - $3,000 (Winner) & $500 (Runner Up)

Louise Rockne Youth Section - $300 (Winner) & $100 (Runner Up)

Youth CALD sub-category $300 (Winner) & $100 Runner Up)

Awarded Prizes:

Prizes will be awarded at a special event on Sunday 17th November, starting at 2pm at the Hills Hub in the Dandenong Ranges, Victoria as well as streamed online. All entrants are cordially invited to the Awards Event.

Entry Conditions:

  • Participants in the 12 - 18 year old age group are eligible to compete in the Woorilla Youth Section at no cost for 4 separate entries. Additional entries are charged at $5 per poem
  • If desired, Youth entrants are also eligible to submit pieces for the Woorilla Open Section at Open Section entry rates
  • Youth entrants who have spoken English for 5 years or less, are also eligible to enter the CALD sub-category for no additional fee – Youth Section conditions apply
  • Poems should be composed in English and may be up to 50 lines per poem.
  • Poems must be the original work of the entrant.
  • Entries must not have been previously published or broadcast (print or electronic, including social media), or a prize winner in any other competition.
  • If the judges have read part or all of your entry prior to making your submission you cannot submit that poem.
  • Fees will not be refunded under any circumstances
  • Submissions will not be returned
  • You may make corrections to your poem until the competition is closed. If you wish to swap your poem or resubmit, normal fees will apply.
  • Members of the Hills Arts Alliance are eligible to enter the Woorilla Poetry Prize.
  • Copyright remains the domain of respective entrants. However organisers retain the right to publish prize-winning pieces on the Woorilla website and/or as a commemorative hard-copy compilation featuring respective award winners.
  • Poems that are published in the annual Woorilla Prize Booklet may be edited to fit in with printing guidelines and overall design of the booklet.
  • Entrants are invited to submit a video or audio recording of their poem as part of the entry process. This is not mandatory and will not affect the judging process in any way.
  • By submitting a video or audio file, you are authorising The Woorilla Poetry Prize to use this recording for promotional purposes, during and after the awards presentation, whether your poem is short listed or not.
  • Woorilla organisers reserve the right to withhold awarding prizes in any given year in the event of insufficient entries, or due to lack of acceptable literary standards.
  • Adjudication of Woorilla Poetry Prize Judge(s) is final, and no correspondence will be entered into, following each annual poetry prize event.
  • There is no limit to the number of entries each poet may submit, providing the appropriate entry fee is paid for each poem submitted.
  • Entries may be submitted in hard-copy format or lodged electronically
  • Hard-copy entries should be printed as single-sided individual copies.
  • While typewritten / printed copies are preferred, legible hand written entries are acceptable.
  • Typed entries must be double-spaced and using a standard 12 point font such as Times New Roman or Arial
  • Hard copy entries may be posted to Woorilla Poetry Prize, C/O Hills Arts Alliance Incorporated P.O. Box 103, Emerald 3782. If posting hard copy poems, please either include a cheque in Australian Dollars for entry fees, made out to Woorilla Hills Arts Alliance Incorporated or pay entry fee by direct deposit to: Hills Arts Alliance Incorporated Inc BSB: 633 000. Acct No: 202 928 768. Poems must be identify with your name and poems in the reference section.  

Judging Process

  • As all entries are subject to a blind judging process, the applicant’s name nor any identifying matter must not appear anywhere on the poem. Entries that identify the poet's name, will be disqualified and no refunds provided.
  • Judges decision are final and not subject to review
  • Submissions will not be returned
  • No corrections or changes will be accepted once entries are submitted, however, you may resubmit a corrected poem. Normal fees will apply.
  • Members of the Hills Arts Alliance are eligible to enter the Woorilla Poetry Prize.
  • Copyright remains the domain of respective entrants. However organisers retain the right to publish prize-winning pieces on the Woorilla website and/or as a commemorative hard-copy compilation featuring respective award winners.
  • Woorilla organisers reserve the right to withhold awarding prizes in any given year in the event of insufficient entries, or due to lack of acceptable literary standards.
  • Adjudication of Woorilla Poetry Prize Judge(s) is final, and no correspondence will be entered into, following each annual poetry prize event.
  • There is no limit to the number of entries each poet may submit, providing the appropriate entry fee is paid for each poem submitted.
  • Entries may be submitted in hard-copy format or lodged electronically
  • Hard-copy entries should be printed as single-sided individual copies.
  • While typewritten / printed copies are preferred, legible hand written entries are acceptable.
  • Typed entries must be double-spaced and using a standard 12 point font such as Times New Roman or Arial
  • Hard copy entries may be posted to Woorilla Poetry Prize, C/O Hills Arts Alliance Incorporated P.O. Box 103, Emerald 3782

Woorilla Poetry Prize is a not for profit poetry competition run by volunteers who are passionate individuals, that believe in the power of poetry and supporting existing, up and coming and especially young emerging poets. Any assistance you can give will help grow and sustain this annual competition


Interested in becoming a 2024 Sponsor or Partner? 

Email: woorillapoetry@gmail.com


2024 Sponsors

Pixel Together


Cardinia Shire

2024 Partners

Supported by Hills Arts Alliance 

Woorilla Poetry Prize

Phone | 03 59684291

Email | woorillapoetry@gmail.com

Mailing Address

Postal Address PO Box 103, Emerald, Vic, 3782, Australia

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